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    Aluminum alloy cable high-end users must pay attention to high-end brand

    qunxing 2018-10-10 6969次 返回

    Aluminum alloy cable industry and copper and aluminium cable industry are cable industry, but there are great differences from cable manufacturing conditions to application conditions, and the market will eventually move towards subdivision, leading the way. In the copper and aluminium cable industry, as long as the cable manufacturer can make the cable itself well, the copper material of the cable and the accessories such as connecting terminals have formed mature conditions that can be handed over to the professional copper smelting and connecting terminal manufacturers.

    The domestic aluminium alloy cable industry is a new and new technology industry. It not only has high technical threshold and large equipment investment, but also conductor aluminium alloy material is a new material for many metals smelting. There are many alloy formulas. The alloy formulas used by various aluminium alloy cable enterprises are not uniform, which objectively causes the conductor aluminium of aluminium alloy cable. The matching supply chain of alloy materials and accessories such as aluminium alloy connection terminals has not formed a foundation.

    Generally speaking, in the domestic aluminium alloy cable industry, cable enterprises should not only have the ability to produce aluminium alloy cable products, but also the ability to produce aluminium alloy connection terminals and other accessories. Otherwise, they are not professional aluminium alloy cable manufacturers. Therefore, it is not possible to make copper and aluminium cables to make aluminium alloy cables. It is not only the ability to make aluminium alloy cables, but also the ability to make aluminium alloy cables.

    Aluminum alloy cable high-end users must pay attention to the first-line brand

    It is understood that at present, in domestic aluminium alloy cable enterprises, in addition to adhering to the concept of high-quality aluminium alloy cables, adhering to the mature technology and production technology of the United States, Shangshang alloy cables truly understand the connotation of aluminium alloy cables, with the research and development of aluminium alloy cable products, production and aluminium alloy connection terminal accessories. The comprehensive capacity of production and so on is the second enterprise which has the qualifications of the aluminum alloy cable professional enterprise. At present, there is no information report in the industry and the qualifications at the same time.

    The objective situation is that other domestic aluminium alloy cable enterprises basically still have the ability to produce cables. In the short run, let alone the ability to produce accessories such as supporting aluminium alloy connection terminals. To meet the requirements of a truly professional factory, it needs a process of growth, maturity and perfection.

    Nowadays, the industry has basically formed a pattern of two high-end brands, Shangshang Alloy Cable, which has the strongest comprehensive ability, such as technology leading, product quality high, cost-effective, providing a complete set of connection solutions, and STABILOY Alloy Cable, which still occupies a fairly well-known position in the market.

    Other enterprises in the industry form their own brand structure according to the factors of comprehensive strength and product quality. Users of all grades are naturally formed due to internal reasons such as concept and demand. The enterprise pattern and market user pattern of aluminium alloy cable industry have been basically clear.

    From the current market trend, we can also see that those high-end users who really recognize the value and advantages of aluminium alloy cables are basically preferred to have supporting aluminium alloy connection accessories, have the ability to provide a full range of technical product solutions, and truly professional high-end brands such as Shangshang alloy cables. Mid-end users are often hesitant in choosing brand because of their weak technical ability and lack of awareness of quality pursuit, but lack of understanding of the real application conditions of aluminium alloy cable. It is difficult for them to select and use aluminium alloy cable products properly. Low-end users basically have no real technical ability, poor quality awareness, brand selection only focus on low prices, so that inevitably fall into the trap of fake and inferior products, not only harmful to themselves, but also contributed to the proliferation of fake and inferior products in the market.

    With the development of the industry, it is believed that middle-end users will be aligned with high-end users, and truly choose and use aluminium alloy cable products. Low-level users will also change the current positioning of the demand for aluminium alloy cable products, and more rationally choose the brand of aluminium alloy cable. It is certain that the brand of aluminium alloy cable products with high cost performance and security will be more and more concerned and inevitable choice by users. Aluminum alloy cable market from the initial promotion of the blank, difficult cultivation, mid-term chaos cluster to now has gradually moved towards rationality.

    The brand and market pattern of aluminium alloy cable have been formed

    With the popularization of aluminium alloy cable technology and products in China, the technology, product quality and comprehensive ability of various manufacturers in the industry have been basically clear, and the brand level has clear guidance. Nowadays, in China, from the industry level, in addition to adhering to the two excellent brands of Shangshenxing alloy and STABILOY alloy which only make fine products, some excellent second-and third-line brands which entered the aluminum alloy cable industry earlier and pay attention to technology and quality have formed the main market with the two leading brands.

    From the user level, the situation of leading the market of aluminium alloy cable with large groups, large customers and large projects has been formed. Those high-end users who have strong comprehensive ability, dare to accept new things, pay attention to product quality, pay attention to perfect connection solutions and pay attention to cost have begun to pay close attention to the high-quality brand of aluminium alloy cable, and actively promote the healthy development of the aluminium alloy industry.

    The common characteristics of high-end users in the industry are to pursue quality and perfect connection application, and fully affirm and agree with the maturity of aluminum alloy terminal connection solutions matching with cable performance and the necessity of standardizing application experience inheritance. This will bring great business opportunities for professional high-end brands of aluminium alloy cables, such as Shanxing alloy cables, which are the industry leaders who insist on only making high-quality products, and which have truly matching solutions for aluminium alloy terminals with the same cable performance. It will also play a positive role in promoting the correct application of aluminium alloy cables.

    With the improvement of market management and quality supervision mechanism of aluminium alloy cables and the implementation of the five-party lifelong responsibility system for construction quality (constructor, designer, general contractor, constructor and supervisor) by the Ministry of Housing and Construction in 2014, and the further popularization of knowledge of aluminium alloy cable technology and products, it is believed that fake and substandard products are on the market. The flooding situation will be effectively curbed. As a result, middle-end users will be aligned with high-end users, and truly choose and make good use of aluminium alloy cable products. Low-level users will also change the current positioning of the demand for aluminium alloy cable products, and more rationally choose the brand of aluminium alloy cable. It is certain that the brand of aluminium alloy cable products with high cost performance and security will be more and more concerned and inevitable choice by users.

    Although there are still unavoidable disputes between copper and aluminium in the market, the aluminium alloy cable, a high-tech material, has a very broad application prospects and shoulders the mission of building a resource-saving society. Its unique charm and market potential will play an important role in the revolution of the new conductor material "saving copper with aluminium" with its unique charm and market potential. Role.

    The material characteristics of aluminium alloy cables are different from those of copper cables and aluminium cables, and the requirements of connection application are different. At present, there are still quite a few enterprises lacking the ability of technological innovation and development in the industry. They are still taking chances to continue to use copper-aluminium transition terminals or so-called alloy terminals, which are inconsistent with the performance of aluminium alloy cables, as cable connections, endangering users'electricity safety. Fortunately, many cable users have experienced nine years of baptism of the new technology of aluminium alloy cable, and have gradually matured, believing that they have their own rational choice.

    Overall, the aluminium alloy cable industry has gradually matured, the development trend is basically clear, the development trend is basically healthy, although the road is tortuous, but the future is bright.

    Problems to be solved urgently in aluminium alloy cable industry

    Aluminum alloy cable technology and products have been popularized in China for nearly nine years, and now it is nothing new. It is understood that more and more enterprises have entered the aluminium alloy cable industry, and the use cases have increased year by year. Industry and products are gradually recognized by the market, "saving copper by aluminium" prospects have begun to dawn. This is a very gratifying situation for the development of the industry.

    However, the aluminum alloy cable industry is a new industry in China. Most enterprises are still in the learning stage. The cable manufacturing technology and application conditions still have a mature and cognitive process. The industry has not yet reached the real maturity level, and there are still many problems to be solved.

    For example, users have not really understood the technology and products of aluminium alloy cables, especially the application conditions, whether the enterprises in the industry have really mastered the material and manufacturing technology of conductor aluminium alloy cables, whether the products of aluminium alloy cables promoted in the market really meet the ASTM B 80005 (2011), 80107 (R2012) standards or the national standard GB/ T 30552-2014 "Aluminum Alloy Wire for Cable Conductor" and "Rated Voltage 0.6/1kV Aluminum Alloy Conductor Crosslinked Polyethylene Insulated Power Cable" require the assessment of conductor aluminium alloy materials and aluminium alloy cable products, when can we have the same aluminium as the leading brand "Shanxing Alloy Cable" to provide the same performance as the cable? Alloy connection terminals and other accessories product capabilities.

    It took only two years for North America and other countries to develop aluminium alloy connection terminals for aluminium alloy cables, from the invention of aluminium alloy cable technology to the development of special aluminium alloy connection terminals for aluminium alloy cables, because the application conditions of aluminium alloy cables have been improved and the correct connection solutions have been adopted, thus achieving safe, safe and successful application of aluminium alloy cables. Nearly 50 years of history.

    The application of aluminium alloy cables in the United States uses aluminium alloy connectors with the same performance as aluminium alloy cables. This correct connection solution, which has been proved by decades of practice, ensures that the advantages and values of aluminium alloy cables can be brought into play and embodied, and finally forms the connection solutions of North America and other countries. These successful experiences and normative practices are worthy of reference, study and adoption by domestic aluminium alloy cable manufacturers.

    It is well known that the connection application technology of aluminium alloy cable should be similar to that of copper cable and aluminium cable. That is to say, copper nose connection for copper cable, copper-aluminum transition terminal connection for aluminium cable and aluminium alloy copper connection terminal connection for aluminium alloy cable which has the same performance as the aluminium alloy cable are the correct solution for cable connection. This is a very easy to understand, very simple technical truth.

    Industry information: Aluminum cable is prone to many problems such as breakage, poor contact, short circuit, increase of contact resistance and line heating due to its physical, mechanical properties, creep resistance, thermal expansion and other physical and chemical properties defects. In light of these problems, it causes power interruption, equipment shutdown and shutdown, while in heavy cases, it causes fire. Disaster or even explosion is the main reason why aluminium cables are eventually abandoned in power distribution.

    As we all know, most of the electrical accidents occur in the electrical connection part. The stability and reliability of the connection between cable conductor and connector (terminal) is very important for the power system. Nowadays, problems still exist in connection of aluminium alloy cables, such as using aluminium terminals or so-called aluminium alloy terminals that do not match the performance of cables, defects and mismatches of aluminium materials or so-called aluminium alloys. What is the value of using aluminium alloy cables? What is the difference from using aluminium cables directly? This wrong connection solution will undoubtedly be used. Household transmission lines leave a fatal safety hazard.

    Therefore, the urgent problem to be solved in the aluminium alloy cable industry is to seriously solve the difficulties in connection application. Not only do the cable products well, but also need to clearly understand the importance of cable connection, actively develop the aluminium alloy connection terminal accessories with the same cable performance, and provide the correct connection of aluminium alloy terminal for users. Solutions to avoid potential safety hazards to users'lives and property due to unscientific cable connection.

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